These products were inspired by the global pandemic an on going global racial tensions between the public and law enforcement, government and/or military. Since military and law enforcement alike patrol my sky's.
A decision was made to create a product to help reduce covid, fear, anxiety and fog mind/brain. A True Sacred Emblem was
created by The True Creator, Supra Empress of all. Indians for centuries have called on Mother Earth though not able to fully embrace the projected qualitative and quantitative potentialities of the Divine.
An Extrapolated symbol produced too repell and help support the viability of humanity, in this human crisis!
It doesn't matter how rich you are or not. There's no way to buy out or bargain with this virus. Only buy comfort care as those less fortunate, on government assistants. An no room for denial believing one can buy their way into a higher position in the food chain/hierarchy. Face it, Covid is an equal playing field when it comes to treatment.
As evidence by, Two Monarchs, weakened by the death of Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh, as he had a dual role. Covid has equally victimized all classes.
Thus, any single person, home, community (private or otherwise)and country, exercising the emblems, activates the start of true herd protection. An the more there are overtly displayed in a community. The establishment of true herd immunity starts and repels the viruses an variants away from the favorable host an environments, outward!
This modality offered to the various government ranks could have saved
millions of lives, trillions in paid settlement, medical supplies and products. Which at best mask symptoms, vaccines which are little to no help. Especially with the introduction of new variants. An out of country companies who are not qualified too produce vaccines, with no Food and Drug oversight. In which old data was given to push the vaccine through for profit not for human preservation. A handful of company's are sharing profits from citizens, the tax payers.
Renaming the vaccine, do to the criticism of such practices being brought to light. Yet are only changing market strategies and the container the jab comes out of.
The Lovett 4 life product kits were offered too military for pick up or distribute too law enforcement. To test an experience the effectiveness, An the enlightened and/or the lightness in body, speech,and mind. Also the reduction in pressure, pain, depression, aching and sore body, brain fog, memory impairment, an overall malaise. These various electromagnetic and viral modalities, whether to torment, harass, attack or over excite neurological systems. The symptoms are not limited to; triggering excessive and heightened bouts of anxiety, nervousness, paranoia and pulsing/throbbing/shocking pain on chest, feet, ankles and heels. Leading to panic attack symptoms which torment humans. In an attempt to weaken the human body an its systems for a cowards attack.
The Emblem is very potent in providing protection from the ensuing conditions and various visible and invisible attacks, viral or otherwise. Public and Personal health and safety is supported and enpowered by the
application of the Emblem. Thus, receiving the glimmer of hope humankind has awaited. An set the premise for the provision of herd protection in repelling viruses and its variants out of our country and eventually world.
Silent attacks Launched quietly on or by CIA an law enforcement. ( See link below)
Moreover activation of cancers, viruses and or variants. Should be enough to appeal to global leaders to seek contracts for mass production distribtion too save their countries an status. For if humanity is wiped out there is no need for hierarchy. Muchless inhumane, insentimental, non discerning, poorly judged estimates of mass deaths by unreceptive an ineffective global leadership.
Governments and or military, law enforcement, various ranks, secret services or not. Are accountable for not providing contracts to purchase the emblems and getting the emblems in the hands of citizens and on the street signs, walls, uniforms a like. Too impair, destroy and push outward. So true heard deterrant and annilation of viruses and any an all variants, seeking to destroy humanity. To creating the ability for the human body to preserve, repair and restore itself an strength its immunity to these malicious and malevolent dailt attacks for lifetimes, not reducing human viability, to an expired jab date.
A purchased emblem for ones self or as a gift for activates the Emblem. If not acquired by me! Are not active! Moreover are not viable if stolen,
copied or acquired by any other means.
Note: An do not work for those not intended for by the purchasers to use or whom those purchasers gifted product items too.
For a virus is a consciousness so is cancer etc. Which launch invisible attacks or attacks not easily seen by
the naked eye. To reduce the quality of life for human race an transforming into another type of race.
However, it doesn't serve various government or military monetary interests. At the expense of discrediting and disposing of the human race. Keeping and perpetuating harassment, assault an abuses
of power carried out on humanity, the vulnerable and unassuming populations. For if there is on going fear and suffering there is on going profit in sales.
My products were packed and put for a government employed or send law enforcement to pick the kits up. An did not. As the death toll has risen an what appears to be the more monetarily fortunate. As evidence by the Duke of Uk. An the elements which humanity faces today cant buy there way out or a hospital which can help them, just as the vaccine has not oliviated the virus. There the reason the kits are priced high are to get the products out in larger quantities, with a commoners affordability. An there is an opportunity to donate a kit or item bought to arm one or a few law enforcement and military personnel and or their families. All military branches and special or black ops forces have been very instrumental and
supportive in this processes.
However, would seem military and religious heads hierarchy fear loss of funding and/or too prideful and arrogant to admit they are not in control or have the virus in their control. An to invest in my product's is admission of such. Leaving large bugets for semming worthless projects and medical products, leaving no justification for the budgets, projects and lack of efficacy in the products various governments have
launched and changed names of those products. To increase their profit margins at the cost of humanlives and manipulate humanity to fit the bill. Agendas already being carried out to increase the suffering
of mankind/humankind as a whole, an the unassuming. An when one is given much, one is to give much.
An has a responsibility to ensure funds are literally being given and/or applied to those most vulnerable, in need or populations whom benefit the most. As our front liners, since they are deployed in groups,
Exposed to different families, variants and the public. As law enforcement and government officials.
In the US, Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),
accused AstraZeneca of "unforced errors", in failing to include the most recent data in its trial
submissions to US authorities.
Even insiders admit: "It's fair to say we are in a pretty uncomfortable spot right now."
Vaccines and politics As one investor told the BBC, "[Pascal Soriot is] discovering what happens when you are doing politics,
rather than business".
The story of AstraZeneca's adventures in vaccines and politics is impossible to separate from the
background of the man in charge.
As one of his competitors put it: "Astra is Pascal's company, it's hard to tell where Pascal Soriot ends and
AstraZeneca starts."
"Some batches work better than others, and when you add in the complexity of regional supply chains,
things get complicated and sometimes don't work."
So, if that's the case, is it not naïve at best and misleading at worst, to promise to deliver a fixed quantity
of a potentially life or death product?
This is where Astra's lack of experience in vaccines really tripped it up - managing expectations through
simple and effective communication.
One source told the BBC that "if you looked on an organisational chart of AstraZeneca, the box labelled
vaccine management wouldn't have much in it".
You've got an ancient virus in your brain. In fact, you've got an ancient virus at the very root of your
conscious thought.
A review published in Cell in 2016 found that between 40 and 80 percent of the human genome arrived
from some archaic viral invasion. [Unraveling the Human Genome: 6 Molecular Milestones]
That's because viruses aren't just critters that try to make a home in a body, the way bacteria do.
Instead, as Live Science has previously reported, a virus is a genetic parasite. It injects its genetic code
into its host's cells and hijacks them, turning them to its own purposes — typically, that means as
factories for making more viruses. This process is usually either useless or harmful to the host, but every
once in a while, the injected viral genes are benign or even useful enough to hang around. The 2016
review found that viral genes seem to play important roles in the immune system, as well as in the early
days of embryo development.